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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now where was I?

So back to that fabulous graduation weekend....
I ended up wearing dress number 1.
The cream lace with cute wedges since I didn't want my feet to hurt during the ceremony!
And, bonus. They had ankle straps! No more living in fear that I would walk out of my heel or trip up on stage. Super score.

Required solo picture in the cap and gown.

My favorite picture of the day! Caleb and I before the cceremony:)

My grandpa and Caleb with me after the real deal!

After the ceremony there were so many flowers in my apartment. Seriosuly, see for yourself.

I think there were 5 bouquets in total. Apparently nobody talked to each other and said they were bringing flowers!
But they were so pretty and made the apartment smell fabulous so I wasn't even mad about it.

A trip to outback steakhouse and a few drinks later, I said goodbye to all the family who came down for the day and Matt and I started getting ready to go out for the night.

We went out with my pledge mama, Jen, and her boyfriend, Nick.

And in true college fashion, we were drunk by midnight on an $8 tab, and home by 12:30 because we were so tired from the day.

I'd say it was a successful graduation weekend:) And I'm so glad I'm finally able to put all of these pictures up. It was driving me crazy just having them sitting on my camera!

Hope you're having a happy hump day:)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Honeyyyyyy I'm home!

Goodness, forced blogger breaks are killer!!!
It's soooooooo nice to be back:)
And I have a TONof pictures for you guys! Super exciting, I know.
The last week of my internship was pretty boring (especially without internet to distract me when I got home!) but the past few weekends have been jam packed.
Let's start off with graduation weekend:
Matt came down on Friday night to help me send out my undergrad in style. We went with my 2 roommates to a local mexican place and had good food and awesome drinks!
Matt enjoyed a Margarona, while us girls split a pitcher of Margs!

Excuse my no makeup/crazy hair, it was H-O-T and we were running around picking up graduation gowns!

After dinner I came home and opened my graduation present from him.
Ladies, meet........

Matt was so excited to give it to me, he made me open it on Friday. It was like he was the one getting the present!
But I think he did a pretty good job picking out a graduation present, don't you? :)
Especially considering I'm seriously obsessed with this Michael Kors Satchel.
Michael is my new lova;)

Afterwards, we got ready to go out with friends.
There may or may not have been a dumpster dived wheelchair involved in our festivities....

 Ready for a night on the town! Firehaus bound!

My friend Dave, we went to high school together:)

Heather's excited it's her turn in the dumpster recovered wheelchair!

Heather and I at Firehaus! Clearly I need a tan...
We drank fishbowls (literally a fishbowl filled with blue booze and sprite)all night. The object is to take the 4 long straws and keep drinking until the entire thing is empty. Talk about a buzz;)
And finished up with Jimmy Johns at 2 AM when we had to get up Saturday at 7 for graduation.

But that's a story for tomorrow!
Happy Monday, Y'all!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Pomp & Circumstance

Well, yesterday I managed to make it all the way across the stage without tripping and falling on my face (hey, it's a legit fear!) and crossed into the big kid world.

I'm officially a University of Illinois Alum!

And I've never been more proud of any other accomplishment. (Well maybe that whole going out for 21 days straight thing, but come on. That was impressive!!) ;)

Buuuuuut while I'm finishing up my last week at my internship and my internet is off (why pay for one more week when it was just me left at the apartment) I'll be posting sporadically and without pictures. Bummer-I know!

So I just wanted to say hi to everyone ::waves to new followers::

And let you know that because mine and Alana's Two Truths & A Lie Link-up was such a hit, we're going to do it the first Tuesday of every month!
We thought it was a great way to meet other bloggers and find new blogs to follow. I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with for next month since you'll have a few weeks to think of something:)

Hope you're having a fantabulous Monday!

P.S.- Check out my instagram (malpal0801) for sneak peeks of Graduation Pictures!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

And the votes are in!

Well well well, it looks like I was not anywhere near as good at fooling you guys this time.
Almost all of you guessed correctly which one was my lie!
1. I have broken 2 bones in my life.
Most of you were right in guessing that this was my lie! I've actually never broken a bone in my life. And now that I've jinxed myself, I'm going to go knock on some wood.
2. I have full on Bitch-Slapped a friend, in the face.
This is 100% absolutely true. But not for the reasons you think. I'm only 60% ashamed to admit that it  happened during a night of drinking (surprised?) beacause one of our guy friends wanted to see if his face was numb.  So clearly that meant we should bitch-slap him in the face. 
 I think there's even video of this floating around somewhere.
I have to see if I can track it down for you guys! 
3. I've fallen asleep in a bar.
Yeah, I've fallen asleep at the bar. And not just at the bar, but on the bar! Remember I mentioned my bestie, Jen, was a bartender at an on campur bar?
The owner of the bar loved us! (And not in a gross way, you creeps!)
So one night we didn't want to wait in the line in for the bathroom so the owner gave us the key for the upstairs bar & bathrooms which were closed that night.
Next thing we know, it's after close (2AM) and we're being woken up and asked if we want to order Jimmy Johns with the rest of the staff.
There are definitely some pictures of it, but I can't find them :(
So what did we learn from this link up?
Apparently I'm a really good time when I go out;)
Thank you to everyone who participated in this link-up!! You guys are seriously the best!
&& a special shoutout to Alana for partnering with me for this crazy idea of mine!
If you're not already a follower of hers, you definitely need to go check her out!!
Nighty night, Chickies!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Link-Up for Two Truths & A Lie!!

It's here!
It's time for mine and Alana's Two Truths & A Lie link-up!
 I'm so excited to see what you guys came up with for your truths and lies:)
Here's my new ones:
1. I have broken 2 bones in my life.
2. I have full on Bitch-Slapped a friend, in the face.
3. I've fallen asleep in a bar.
Which ones do you think are true??
Want to do one of your own?

Here's what we're going to do:
1. Link up with your own Truths & Lies below so we can get to know you better!
2. Leave a comment on other blogs guessing which one is their lie.
3. Enjoy seeing how many people think you are guilty of your lie!
4. Post your answers tomorrow so we can see who was right:)


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, May 7, 2012

On a scale of 1-10


If you're reading this after 12, I'm FREE! I've completed my very last undergrad final.
If you're reading this before noon, I'm "taking" my last final, aka: giving my very last speech.
Either way around, SCORE!
It's so bittersweet, but now I'm on to bigger and better things.
Like graduation. Which is where you guys come in.
I need your help!
You guys are awesome && clearly I need your opinion on what I should wear for graduation! What are friends for, right? ;)
Here's what I'm working with......
Option 1

This dress is cream lace, with the stretchy belt. It comes to right above the knee, and in the back, is covered up to the neck. Know what I mean? I love this dress because I'm loving lace these days. So romantic and feminine!

Option 2


This dress is a coral color and in the back, the straps criss-cross. It hits right above the knee and is made of a chiffon-like material. I like this one because its so light and kind of "effortlessly" cute.
Option 3
This dress is coral/white striped, with a hot pink skinny belt. It's got a sweetheart neckline and this spaghetti straps. It kits above the knee and has a little bit of poof towards the bottom. I especially love the way this dress lays!
Option 4


This dress is strapless with a pinstripe pattern (you can see it better in the second picture!) and it has a sash that ties into a nice bow in the back. It hits right above the knee and has pockets! I like this one because I think it lays in a very flattering way.
 So here's what I'd like you to do:  leave a comment ordering the dresses into "like the most" to "like the least".  
You guys are the best!!
&& don't forget to Link-Up with Alana & I tomorrow for Two Truths & A Lie!



Thursday, May 3, 2012

Playin' hookie. Wait that sounded porny didn't it?

Since Monday was a two energy drinks kind of day (as evidenced by instagram)
breakfast of champions right here!
I've never seen this kind of drink before. Jury is still out, but I think I kinda like it!
& I'm stuill trying to catch up, I'm playing hookie today. (In the non dirty minded way!)
And after a HORRIBLE Tuesday at my internship I just need a regrouping day.
So I'm taking one.
Ahhhh, it feels so nice:)
In other news:
Check out my new scarf and headband!
Both for under $12. I love outlet malls:)

Happy Thursday, chickas!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This & That

What's up with me?
I'm about to graduate.
Like seriously.
When did this happen?!

Today I attended my last undergrad class. EVER.
Yikes. Maybe that's why I've spent the past few days applying for jobs like a crazy lady. Not even sorry about it.

And hey! I even got my first rejection letter!

But actually, I'm just impressed that they sent some form of communication. I can't even start to tell you how many resumes I've sent out and haven't heard a word. Talk about nerve wracking!

Besides that I'm in the midst of packing up my apartment (looks like a war zone!) and becoming increasingly more prone to senior-itis. Ever heard of it?
Send help.

Until tomorrow, lovlies.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Drumroll please........

Today is an exciting day!
I finally get to spill the beans on the secret Alana and I have been keeping!!
I know, I can barely contain my excitement, can you?

Drumroll please.....

Alana and I are hosting a Two Truths & A Lie link up!!

Here's how it's gonna work:

1. It's a one time deal.

2. Next Tuesday there will be a linky on both of our pages for you to link up your post.
If you don't already follow her (hint hint) you can find her here.

3. We're giving you a week to think up something good that your readers don't already know about you.

4. Create a post for next tuesday 5/8 that has 2 truths and 1 lie.
5. Make sure to tell your readers you'll be participating beforehand so they can play too! 

Easy peasy, right?

Good Luck & Get Creative!!
(If you need an example you can go back to this post of mine)
